# Welcome to my Vault
## What are these?
These are my notes. Instead of a traditional "notebook" approach, it implements
the _Digital Garden_ paradigm, which allows me to dynamically nourish the
interconnection between notes with [[backlink|backlinks]].
## Who am I?
I'm Samuel Huang, a Software Engineer, entrepreneur, and an amateur singer. I'm
enthusiastic about ==Productivity== and
==[[pkm|PKM (Personal Knowledge Management)]]==. This [[obsidian|Obsidian]]
vault you are viewing is a crucial part of my system.
You may take a look at my [online portfolio](https://sghuang.com) if you didn't
already come from it.
## How do I organize this vault?
- Most of the notes are placed under the root directory. A flat structure to
encourage _Digital Garden_ style note taking.
- _[[filename|Lower-kebab case]]_ is adopted in the vault, to maximize
compatibility when working from terminal and accessing from web (as you're
doing right now.)
- Each note is a ==concept==, resulting in a Wiki style system.
- Tags
- _Nested tags_ are are used for categorization. e.g. `cse/system`,
`cse/algorithm`, and `cse/web`.
- Additional tags are used to help me retrieve related content, e.g.
`leetcode` or `marketing`.
## What can you do with this vault?
- **Explore** it, either by browsing the directory, using the search bar, or
viewing the graph view.
- **Share** it to anyone who you think may benefit from a particular note or the
idea of having a _Second Brain_ through this link:
- **Cite** it, just make sure you're giving credit to the author.